Another public apology should be issued saying that the one held on the 16th of June was deplorable
THE ‘Apology Garden’ WAS to be constructed on the school grounds to recognise the victims of sexual abuse that occurred throughout the school.
The idea for the garden came about after the initial suggestion (by a mother at the apology night) of dedicating a section of the ‘Great Marble Hall’ to the victims of paedophilia was rejected by the school.
However, the garden should be built in the township of Bathurst where it can commemorate all 160 victims from St.Stanislaus College and all the other victims from All Saints College, the Scots School and St. Josephs Orphanage which closed in 1975.
People of BATHURST believe another public apology should be issued saying that the one held on the 16th of June was deplorable and unacceptable.
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